Wednesday 3 October 2012

An oppoptune time......

I would like to give the excuse that i have been too busy to post something, but really i haven't.Its been a battle in mind if i really wanted to do this whole blogging thing.You see im an introvert by nature ,a bit reserved and i like my space ,my thoughts ..etc So blogging seemed to me as a way of laying out everything to everyone ..the most scary part being people i don't know.I then in the few minutes of writing this discovered i enjoy writing .It frees me ..i express myself best and maybe just maybe i needed to get out of my comfort zone for  a bit.

So today in my moments i found myself in the gospel of Luke ...4vs1-13. This is the story of Jesus in the wilderness where he was tempted by the devil.Now i have read this a couple of times and for some time it seemed something far off for me .Yes i loved the way that Jesus got victory, but it just seemed far off you know.Then one day it dawned on me that maybe all of this happened in his mind".Now with this in mind i read the story today what seemed out of space ,today felt so much at home.

Jesus i imagine must have in these forty days experience heart to heart talks with God ,he was on fire in the spirit.It occurred to me that just maybe it is in these forty days that his mission and the path he would take was clearly revealed to him.How he was on earth to save us all and how he would die in order to save us .in this blessed moment guess who steps in to spoil it all..the devil.As i was going through these scriptures i realised that the devil didn't tempt Jesus on the things that weren't important to him ..he tempted him on things that where important and waited for  an opportune time .

Jesus had spent forty days without food ,he was hungry ,he was tired ,he needed something to revive his strength and Boom devil comes saying "If you are the Son of God ,command this stone to turn to bread ".watch how he reminds Jesus who he is but to lure him to misusing his power .the next temptation was that of where the devil said if Jesus would worship him he would give the authority of all the kingdoms  and the last that is written was for Jesus to fall down and God would send his angels to catch him.the devil knew that Jesus was hungry he knew that he need to save souls and tell people of the kingdom of God ,he knew he would have to die for  us ...wouldn't it have been a quick way for him if he just turned the stone to bread get his strength back , worship the devil and then as he would have all the authority he would just say ,"Everyone follow God that's the new law ". Jesus knowing he would die and God having told him he would raise him up again from death maybe by jumping down from that high place would be a test to see if God would honour his promise  at that time.The devil strategies ...he moved from the most wanted  desire and kept going on and on and on ..What makes me stand in amazement is how Jesus answered him,for every temptation he spoke the the word of GOD ..."man shall not live on bread alone but by every word of GOD....You shall worship the Lord Your God and him only shall you save..You shall not tempt the Lord your God...." Jesus answered with the WORD

This scripture is powerful .Though we may not be able to tell when the opportune time for the devil is ,we may not even know how to win over his attacks .But as Christians,children of GOD what we have is the WORD of God that is our ammunition against the fiery darts of the enemy.Being spirit filled wont just cut it if you don't have the WORD.It really amazing how we sometimes find reading our bibles boring ..I'm even embarrassed to say that at a certain time it was my lullaby to fall asleep.For many of us we didn't grow up reading the bible in depth form a tender age .This thing needs WORK!!! truth be told .The bible could be confusing at first ,even boring if you pick a difficult book to understand or a difficult version you can barely read. STICK at it and work it out.Every seed when planted if watered and weeded ,given time will bear much fruit 

The devil waits for a time when he can feed us with something sugar coated but really inside is a can of worm.What areas in your life is the devil attacking you?What values has he lured you to compromise?How have you resisted the devil when temptation seems so great you think you just have to give in? ....Have yo been using words from your mind and heart and not the Word of God? Today i challenge myself and you to get this pearl and hold onto it for life ....The word of God is powerful,not surface understanding of it but deep understanding .Only when we develop this reading the Word of God culture can we have victory and at that Opportune time ...we may overcome and proclaim...I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me!!!

stay blessed always 

Mrs B